Why you should start a blog in 2023
Contrary to popular belief this is the perfect time to start a blog in Zimbabwe. You have the opportunity to gain more traffic than we used to get in our era.
In our era people were very frugal with data. Data Plans were even so expensive people largely only engaged within WhatsApp, where-as nowadays people buy one bundle to handle everything and are no longer too conservative about data especially where it comes to reading text based material.
Contrary to popular belief, people still read much even though there is video. In fact both Twitter and Facebook, despite having video capabilities are largely consumed in the form of text based communication.
If someone is commuting, without ear-phones it's easier for them to read than to try and play a video or audio piece of content in crowds.
So don't hesitate to start your own blog. Start off on a free platform like Denzel Sambo did, and graduate to your own domain name if it's necessary at all.
Learn by doing and reviewing performance and correcting mistakes. After sometime , join an ad network and monetize the blog. You can also point readers to your own products or services.
Even with no products to sell. It's an amazing experience to just have a platform where your opinions are organized.
Of course we get to do that on Facebook, but sometimes in between our Facebook posts there are jokes, memes, debates and other things that can easily distract people from the posts we prefer to be considered.
So a blog is great in that it's often curated and easier to navigate into certain categories, even where you speak on various topics.
If I gave an opinion on elections in 2015 on Facebook it would be harder for someone to navigate to it on my profile by 2018. Yet on a blog you can find out about someones blog for the first time in 2023 and be able to easily navigate to their views on a specific topic in 2013.
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